Linux Housekeeping: Downgrading Nvidia Drivers to Fix Kernel Panic in Arch Linux

2024-05-13 | #linux #nvidia

Recently, I encountered an issue with my Arch Linux system randomly freezing, along with the caps lock key blinking during the freeze. Further research 1 2 revealed that the culprit was Nvidia (of course!) and their current 550 drivers causing random kernel panics. In this blog, I’ll outline how to downgrade Nvidia drivers to 545 version, which currently serves as the potential fix for the issue. This blog is also relevant in scenarios where you would want to downgrade any other packages.

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GSoC'23 Final Blog Post | Summarising GSoC and future plans #6

2023-08-26 | #GSoC-23 #kde #planet-kde

In this blog post I will be summarizing my experience and learnings during the amazing 12 week of the Google Summer of Code with KDE. So this week GSoC finally comes to an end; it almost feels like yesterday when my project proposal finally got selected. I still remember how happy I was to receive the opportunity to work on projects which will be used by thousands of people. I would like to thank my mentor Carl Schwan for being so patient throughout this journey.

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GSoC'23 July Report | Further Progress on the Moderation Tools #5

2023-08-09 | #GSoC-23 #kde #planet-kde

I have summarized the entirety of July’s work in a single blog post, as I got quite busy with university in the last few weeks 😢. Progress made on the Report Moderation Tool I started with the Report Moderation Tool’s further implementation and managed to implement almost all of the features smoothly. However, I encountered a problem with the self-assigning and un-assigning of reports, which caused the application to crash with a segmentation fault.

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GSoC-23 Week 3-4 | Finalizing Account Moderation tool & Adding Report Moderation Tool #4

2023-06-30 | #GSoC-23 #kde #planet-kde

Hello world, This is my fourth blog post and a continuation to my previous blog posts for Google Summer of Code 2023 under KDE. In this blog, I will be sharing my experiences during the 3rd and 4th weeks of GSoC'23. Week 3 | Finalizing Account Moderation tool In my previous blog post, I mentioned that I had worked on implementing the initial page of the Account Moderation Tool in the first two weeks.

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Polybar + Plasma 🫰 | Using Polybar with KDE plasma

2023-06-28 | #kde-plasma #linux #polybar

Backstory I love using KDE’s Plasma. In my opinion, it is the most easily customizable and perfect desktop environment out there. While Plasma’s panels are undeniably awesome, I believe that Polybar has some advantages over them. While configuring polybar with plasma on my machine I ended up wasting a lot of time debugging expected behaviors, so I writing a small and simple guide on how you can use polybar with plasma 😁.

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