GSoC-23 Week 1-2 | Adding Account Moderation Tool #3

2023-06-15 | #GSoC-23 #kde #planet-kde

Hello world, This is my third blog post for Google Summer of Code 2023 where I will be sharing what I was able to accomplish in the first two weeks. The first task I worked on was implementing the account moderation tool. This tool enables moderators/admins of an instance to view all the accounts available on the server and take action against them. Before starting with its implementation, I requested Carl to schedule a meeting so that I could gain a better understanding of the implementation process.

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GSoC-23 Community Bonding Period Blog #2

2023-06-09 | #GSoC-23 #kde #planet-kde

Hello world, This is my second blog post for Google Summer of Code 2023, where I will share what I accomplished during the GSoC-23 community bonding period. Community Bonding period During this time GSoC contributors spend 3 weeks learning about their organization’s community and preparing for their coding project. They get to know mentors, read documentation, get up to speed to begin working on their projects During the community bonding period, the organizers took two introductory sessions kick starting our journey.

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Google Summer of Code Introductory Blog #1

2023-05-26 | #GSoC-23 #kde #planet-kde

Hello world, This is my first blog post for Google Summer of Code 2023. During the Google Summer of Code timeline, I will be working on implementing the admin APIs in Tokodon. These APIs will provide mastodon moderators with a suite of moderation tools within Tokodon. I would like to thank Carl Schwan ❤ for mentoring me during Season of KDE and once again for this project. I am really grateful to work under his guidance.

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Season of KDE Blog #2

2023-04-09 | #kde #planet-kde #SoK-23

Testing various functionalities of Tokodon’s Main Timeline. This is a continuation of my previous blog post where I shared my mid-journey experience while being a Season of KDE mentee. Week 7-8: These weeks were spent testing interaction buttons and different types of statuses. My first task was to write a test for boost, favourite, and bookmark interaction buttons in Tokodon to see if they worked as intended. For this, I identified the behaviour of different buttons using accerciser and then added the missing accessibility description for the respective buttons.

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Season of KDE Blog #1

2023-03-05 | #kde #planet-kde #SoK-23

I was first introduced to Linux when my outdated computer could not run Windows anymore. I had previously heard some information about LINUX while surfing the internet, but my initial impression was that it was highly sophisticated and exclusively for programmers or mainly hackers :). I finally started using Linux Mint, and was moved by how quick and configurable it was 🤩. After a few distro-hopps, I finally settled for KDE Neon being amazed by how easily customizable it was ❣️

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